This year’s trampoline finals were held at the Benham Arena, Kings Park Rd, Northampton  on Saturday 18th March. This was our largest event so far, with over 650 competitors, yet somehow it all went off without serious mishap, and even finished within 15 minutes of the planned time!

Huge thanks to all the officials an other volunteers who helped us pull it off, and to Krys Garside for stepping in as our welfare officer for the day.  An extra big thank you to NTGA for hosting us, and going above and beyond.
We would also like to extend our appreciation to the GB Squad members, Andrew Stamp, Ellie Vassell and Savanna Wooten, who presented the awards and did the whole ‘celebrity signing’ bit so well. Good luck with this year’s events!


Every school / coach should receive their own list of results by email shortly , but the full set can be downloaded here.

All outstanding clothing orders should now have been delivered.