Privacy Data Policy Relating to Competition Entries

Most BSGA events collect entrant information on entry forms, which are then emailed to the competition organiser.

This policy explains how we use that data.


Privacy Policy – Use of Personal Data version 2021-12-06
The competition organiser has defined this privacy policy for entrants into this event and acts as the ‘data controller’ for any information provided in connection with your entry.
To enter the competition you must obtain agreement from every entrant to share the personal information that you provide, for the purposes described in this policy.
The data uses in this policy fall under the ‘contractual’, ‘vital’ or ‘legitimate interest’ sections of GDPR and explicit consent is therefore not necessary.
In most cases, the consent acknowledged when pupils attend a school should be sufficient to cover the usage laid out in this policy.
You may print this sheet if you wish to use it as a record of agreement for each gymnast.
This is necessary to comply with UK Data Protection and GDPR regulations.

What personal data do we need?
We need the name, school year and gender for each competitor. This is the absolute minimum data that we need to run the competition.
If there are exceptional welfare concerns such as protection orders, you may use an alias name for affected pupils.
Please ensure that the child is aware of their alias.

What other data do we need?
We also need details of your school (name, BGSA affiliation number), the name of the responsible coach, and, optionally, school contact phone number and email address.
Where possible, please provide a school email address rather than a personal one, but do ensure that it will be monitored.

Why do we need this information?
We need this information to identify each gymnast entered into the competition and to ensure they are in the correct age group and competing class. (This is a GDPR  ‘contractual purpose’)
We need contact details so that we can communicate information about the event, such as competing times, results and subsequent events.
We need to know the responsible coach for safety reasons.
(These are GDPR ‘legitimate interests’ and ‘vital interests’)

What do we do with the data?
The details you provide are all copied onto computers that are used to prepare and run the scoring system. This includes desktop and laptop computers that the competition organisers use at home or at club premises, and the computers used during the competition for recording and displaying the scores.
Each entrants’ name and gender may also appear in a printed programme for the competition, printed copies of the results generated during the event, emails sent to all clubs before and after the event, and on websites that list the entrants and results.
Each entrant must agree that we may publish their Personal Information as part of the results of the event and may pass such information to the governing body or any affiliated organisation for the purpose of insurance, licences or for publishing results either for the event alone or combined with or compared to other events. Results may include (but not be limited to) name, school, gender and age category

How is the data protected?
Reasonable measures are taken to protect personal information that is not in the public domain. We do not collect any data that is classified as ‘sensitive’, so levels of protection are appropriate to this category of data.

Who has access to the data?
Competition officials will have access to all of the information provided on this form. Some of the information is made available to the general public through the publication of programmes and results.(see below).

Do we share your data with 3rd parties?
We may use a third party to print programmes.  Competition results are considered to be in the public domain, so entrants’ names and competition class (age group, grade and gender) will be published.
Contact details provided on the form may be shared with the governing body or subsequent competition organisers for the purposes of enabling communication with the club in direct connection with this or other competitions.

How long with personal data be retained?
We may need to keep records of who has competed at each event and at what level for up to 25 years.
These reasons include:
Verifying eligibility to enter future events
Health and safety enquiries
Insurance claimsIt must be noted that once programmes and results have been published, the data they contain is no longer under our control, and therefore removal of that data from the public domain is genrally not possible.

Can I check and correct the data that you have about me?
Yes, you can make a Subject Access Request to the data controller (who is the competition organiser). Such requests will be handled in accordance wth the GDPR.  We reserve the right to charge a fee for excessive or unreasonable requests.

What other personal data may be collected at the competition?
There are usually photographers and people filming at competitions, which are held in public places. We do not have control over such images.
In the event of an accident or illness, we may need to collect further information necessary to assist medical treatment or for later insurance purposes. This information may be shared with medical personnel (including first responders), staff at the facility, the sport governing body and other organisations where there is a legal obligation to do so.

Changes to this policy
This policy may be updated occasionally for legal or operational reasons. We will make best endeavours to contact all subjects in the event of any changes.