Central Zone Trampoline Championships 2023


We hope that everyone enjoyed the Central Zone Trampoline Championships that we held today in Hinckley. Our heartfelt thanks go out to everyone who joined us at the biggest central zone competition to date, whether you were competing, spectating, officiating or volunteering in any other role. Until you’ve actually tried organising an event at this scale, it’s hard to imaging the vital teamwork needed to bring it all together.  Jo’s team at Hinckley TC, with help from Kirsty & Andy did a fantastic job to make it all run smoothly – THANKYOU!

Individual results will be emailed to  everyone shortly, but you can also download the full set of results here.

Check out the Deductions sheet for a move-by-move score of your routines.

Congratulations to all of the qualifiers – that’s the top 5 individuals and top 3 teams in each class (highlighted green in the results).

Details of the final, plus the entry form are now available –  click here for the information.

See you in March!



If anyone would like to enhance their participation certificates with their score and position, you can download a zip file with individual pdf files that you can use to overprint your certificate.
Do test it carefully on a blank sheet of paper first!